Monday, November 16, 2009

Dark Knight

The actors in the film, in particular the Joker played by Heath Ledger was definitely the epitome of acting. In chapter 10, there are quotes made by film makers, actors, and directors saying as to identify good acting is when you don't realize there is an actor. The film from the beginning in the opening sequence in which the heist is taking place and the Joker is revealed you are immediately drawn into the character because of how evil, scary, and funny he is. The make up along with the oversize smile definitely lent to the character of the Joker. Especially in the scene where the Joker is explaining how his face received the scar that it did, you were taken into the feelings that he might have absorbed as he was being cut. Heath Ledger definitely was made for this role, other supporting actors did a fine job as well. Such as Aaron Eckart as Harvey Dent/Two Face and Maggie Gyllenhaal for Rachael Dawes, which was referred to in the movie review by the New York Times "There are several new characters, notably Harvey Dent (a charismatic Aaron Eckhart), a crusading district attorney and Bruce Wayne’s rival for the affection of his longtime friend, Rachel Dawes (Maggie Gyllenhaal, a happy improvement over Katie Holmes). (By MANOHLA DARGIS
Published: July 18, 2008) The main character in the film was Christian Bale as Batman, who played his role good enough to supplant himself as the Batman we know. Bale played the role of Batman or Bruce Wayne as he saw fit. When playing Bruce Wayne he was charismatic, flirtatious, and a plain ass, as Batman he showed that he was the Dark Knight because of his command, stoutness, and almost robotic. This was evident in when Bruce Wayne/Batman had to choose between Rachel Dawes or Harvey Dent, after it was discover that Batman had chosen Harvey instead of Rachel, you seen the reaction of Harvey Dent sensing all the life was taken out of him. His pain and anger could be felt. Most of the show I was engaged to the character of The Joker as his portrayal was how you could see a lunatic to be, not caring about anything. This film was great will all the story lines, adaptation of Gotham City and especially the actors.

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